Tuesday, April 16, 2013

The Time's They are a Changin'

Annie is almost five months old and has a new baby cousin!  Otto was born on April 8th and Jeff and Allie are both enjoying parenthood so far.  Annie seemed like quite the giant baby compared to the little guy.  They have already hung out a few times and I'm sure will become quite the pair of trouble makers. 

Annie is thinking about rolling over.  But so far just thinking about it, not doing it yet.  She is chewing on EVERYTHING and drooling everywhere.  She gets more interactive and entertaining everyday.  She's laughing which is the greatest thing in the world pretty much.  She's also really starting to enjoy her baths and learning how to splash and kick her legs around in the water.  We've been going to a singing story time at the library and she's starting to squeal and enjoy all the bouncing and singing and interacting with other babies.  She likes to sit in her little bumpbo chair (don't let the picture below fool you...).  She's losing all her baby hair and has quite the bald spot going in the back.  The new hair that is growing in is much lighter, maybe even a little red!

 Hannah and Ian arrived a few weeks ago and are both enjoying Portland spring time.  The daffodils have come and gone and it's now tulip time.  The cherry trees and magnolias are also just about done and the dogwoods are taking over.  Spring in Portland is gorgeous for sure!  My peas, beets, and onions are up and strawberries are starting to flower.  Won't be long now!  Ian is deciding between Minneapolis and Portland for grad schools...I think he's sadly leaning toward the midwest.  I might have to hold them hostage.  Annie wants them to stay.

The room is almost done!  Carpet is going in next week and boy is Doug glad to be finished with that!  Now what will he do with his free weekends?

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