Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Making Room

We've been enjoying summer in all it's Portland glory so I haven't spent much time on the computer.  It cooled down a little bit this week after a really steamy weekend.  We cooled off by spending some time at the river doing a little white water tubing.  Since bashing into rocks in white water on a small inflatable object is probably not good for my pregnancy, I rode in a raft instead.  My belly is getting quite large these days and it's hard to imagine how big it will be in three months.
Sleeping has started to be a little more of a challenge.  The sides of my hips really hurt I assume from the extra weight and sleeping on my sides.  Other than that, I'm still feeling really great and it's been crazy to feel and watch the little girl move around in my belly.  She has been very active. 

Last week, I helped Doug a little bit on the baby's room.  We built the framework for a bench that will run along the window and also serve as the headboards for the two twin beds.  Doug also framed in some closet and storage space.  The next step is the electrical work.

In order to run new wiring upstairs, the chimney had to come all the way out through the main floor and basement.  Yikes.  Doug decided that this was the week to take the chimney all the way out.  It happened yesterday while I was conveniently out of the house babysitting all day.  In my pregnant belly picture above, I'm standing in front of the framed in chimney.  Here are some shots of the demolition.

Doug's nephew and his buddy came over to help.  The second to last picture shows what it looks like now.  The framing will come out and be replaced to create two large door frames running perpendicular to each other.  We will also create some built in shelves to add more storage to the kitchen area.  When it's all complete (hopefully in the next week!), it should look really nice.  As you can see from the plastic hanging up, moving around the house has been interesting.  To watch some Olympics last night, we had to go out the back door and around to the front door.  Then if you need to go to the bathroom or get a drink of water while watching the Olympics, you have to go around the house again.  Like I said, hopefully it will be done in the next week.

1 comment:

  1. You're looking so cute and pudgy!! And it looks like little Lulu's room is going to be just wonderful. Laughed at your description of an evening of watching tv and the need to run around the house to get the bathroom. It will all be worth it when you are done. xxxxooooxxxx The Old Hag
