Thursday, October 4, 2012

Slow Down, You're Moving Too Fast

We have reached the 33rd week, seven more until the actual due date.  I'm definitely getting larger all the time.

We had a little scare this weekend with some preterm contractions.  Luckily, they turned out not to be labor inducing but we still had to spend the night in the hospital to be monitored and make sure everything is going okay.  For now, all appears to be fine and my uterus just wants to contract away.  I have to be on bed rest for a few days but we will do whatever we need to do to keep her in there a little longer.  I have an appointment on Friday and hopefully nothing will have changed and then I can return to work next week and plan some easy days for myself.   We will prevent her escape as long as we can.  Bed rest hasn't been so bad, I actually had quite a bit of grading to do and it's good to get some planning done in case I can't go back to work anytime soon.  I also watched the first season of Downton Abbey and am now totally hooked.  I'm just debating whether or not I want to start buying episodes from Season 2 on Amazon...I also got my baby registry squared away so that's good.

The room is coming along upstairs.  Poor Doug was planning on working hard on it all weekend until our hospital trip.  He stayed very calm the whole time and has been very helpful this week.  A couple of weeks ago, he put in two skylights all by himself.  They really add a lot of light to the room and open it up a bit.  On Sunday, his brother-in-law came over to help with some electricals.  The next step will be insulation and then I think it will be ready for hanging sheet rock and finishing stuff after that.  It may not be done by the time this girl gets here but that's okay.  Keep cooking, Annie!


  1. Wow! The skylights are wonderful - way to go, Doug!! You look great. Tell that little girl that it will be worth the wait.

  2. Molly, you look so sweet and so pregnant! Annie's new room is going to be perfect. Doug does such good work. Rest easy, sweetie. xxxxxoooooxxxxxGrandma
